End Sport Shoes
If you're just trying yourself in a connoisseur sport, you don't have to spare leather highway boots. It's quite enough to limit itself to the right rigid shoes. What do you need boots or some special shoes for a ride? A lot of people are asking this question. If you look closely at the top-distance boots, it can be observed that their outer surface is always smooth, with no extra accessories, rough stitches and glazing, and the angles of the low heel are slightly blured. This has been done specifically to enable the rider, if necessary, to easily remove the leg from the era, otherwise leg retention may cause unfortunate consequences. Boots get better dressed and save a place in storage.
But just don't get boots and even new ones. An obligatory addition to boots is the upper-road bruises. The fact is that during a horse ride, the horse's legs are some kind of control and are always tightly attached to the saddle, the lack of rude material in this place can lead to a thrill of his leg, creating discomfort and sometimes even pain. There are soft kragues and rigid, brush-bears and leather-bears.
In our range, you can pick up your shoes and your enemies. Specially, in order to ease the enemies and make them more comfortable, there are specialized nets. They are also well ventilated and simple care. You can buy childbears for the top ride, adult kragues for the top ride, buy baby boots for the top ride, and half-samples for the top ride. Roll up the rags and shoes.